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Snake Removal in Tennessee

Snake Identification

Snake Identification

Tennessee boasts a total of 34 snake species within its borders, with only 7 of them being the ones most frequently encountered. Thankfully, most of these snakes are non-venomous. However, there are four distinct species of venomous snakes that can be found in the state: the Copperhead, Timber Rattlesnake, Western Cottonmouth, and Pygmy Rattlesnake. Snakes lack eyelids, preventing them from closing their eyes, and instead, they rely on transparent scales to shield and safeguard their eyes. Additionally, snakes lack external ears.

Problems and Damage

Problems and Damage

Typically, snakes tend to avoid interaction with humans and do not usually inflict damage on homes or other structures. Nevertheless, the presence of snakes can attract other predatory animals like foxes or raccoons to the vicinity. Some snake species may become aggressive during the shedding process, underscoring the importance of reaching out to a specialist for accurate identification and removal. While the most prevalent snake species in Tennessee are non venomous, any snake bites should be promptly addressed by a medical professional.

Prevention and Exclusions

Prevention and Exclusions

To prevent snakes from entering your home or yard, Complete Animal Removal offers a monthly service program. As part of this program, one of our Wildlife Specialists will visit your property once a month to apply a snake deterrent and inspect for any signs of recent snake presence. If you or our technician discovers any indications of new snake activity, your monthly service includes 7 days of trapping to safely remove the snake from your property.

Snake Removal

Snake Removal

If you discover that a snake has infiltrated your home or property, you can rely on Complete Animal Removal for professional removal assistance. Our wildlife specialists possess extensive knowledge of snake identification, ensuring their capability to swiftly and empathetically eliminate snakes from your property.